Wednesday, August 22, 2007

America Inc.

An illegal corporation, and it's peculiar legacy

"Lies can run for a year, but truth can catch them in a day."
African proverb

I am an invisible man

No, I am not a spook like those who haunted Edgar Allen Poe; nor am I one of those Hollywood-movie ectoplasms. I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids-and I might even be said to possess a mind. I m invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me. Like the bodiless heads you see sometimes in circus sideshows, it is as though I have been surrounded by mirrors of hard, distorting glass. When they approach me they see only my surroundings, themselves, or figments of their imagination-indeed, everything and anything except me.

Ralph Ellison from "Invisible Man"

Here in the prison war camp called North America a sub-culture of virulent white supremacy was planted, nurtured, and grown exponentially, with the European centric colonists declared independence from the British Monarchy. Contained in their incorporations mission statement were references to the 'knee-grows' and their perceived value in relations to pigs, dogs and real people which was outlined and became entrenched in both language and economics.

Due to this mission statement - call it a constitution if you must- the 'knee-grow, ¾ a human being cannot be expected to feel pain, emotions, intellectual thoughts, aspirations and basic hopes and dreams of real people.

Even before Joseph Mengele, was purported to be experimenting on "dissidents and inferior vermin," living in Germany, the framers of the America Inc. utilized their 'managers' to refine and produce the manufacture called the 'knee-grow'. When this product did not operate as expected - with the requisite amount of servility, fealty and bestial servitude, the item was either "recalled" to be destroyed or sent back to be outsourced (in Jamaica for example) for further 'tinkering'.

Keep in mind that colonist that "shocked and awed" the indigenous peoples of this area - through the spread of biological warfare and treachery- were once some of the whores, cut throats, murderers and deprived psychopath and sociopath that had occupied the dungeons of Europe. Being that they were most often of the lower classes if not socially then mentally, it is no wonder their approach to others not of their kind and nature was to project their own peasant attitude and sense of inferiority outward in justification and defense of their right to be white.

As America Inc. grew over the years, it constantly tinkered with its mission statement in order to ensure its product remain current.

Former York University Professor, Michael Bradley delved back into the European glacial past during the last Ice Age in order to find the prehistoric sources of the white race's aggression, racism and sexism. Relying on the researches of Alexander Marshack, Carleton Coon, Konrad Lorenz, S.L. Washburn, Ralph Solecki and others, Bradley offers a persuasive argument that the white race, the Neanderthal-Caucasoids, are more aggressive than other groups because of ancient sexual maladaption. In tracing the effects of Caucasian aggression, Bradley offers an uncomfortable and all-too-plausible explanation for the pattern of non hue-man history.

THE UNITED INDEPENDENT COMPENSATORY CODE/SYSTEM, by Neely Fuller, outlined the mechanism behind America Inc., and its parent company the Greco-Roman empire. He called the outline a textbook for thought, speech, and/or action for victims or racism ('white' supremacy).

Among some snippets culled from the CODE, includes:

"if you do not understand 'white' supremacy(as racism)-----what it is, and how it works------ everything else that you understand, will only confuse you"

DO NOT ACCUSE ANY NON-'WHITE' PERSON. OR PERSONS, OF BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF YOUR ECONOMIC PROBLEMS - reason/explanation being that in a socio-material system dominated by 'white' supremacists (racist), the 'white' supremacist are responsible for all problems involving the people who are subject to them.

According to Christianity the seven deadly sin consists of...

Pride. excessive belief in one's own abilities that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity.Envy. the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.Gluttony . an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.Lust . an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.

Anger . manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath.Greed . the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness.Sloth . the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.

The people of America Inc. have grown to embody all the qualities of the seven deadly sin, both manufactured and manufactures. Due to proximity, the monster that Frankenstein created over time developed many of the good doctor's personality, along with its own peculiar predilections that, fortunately or unfortunately- depending on what side of the great divide you live- kept giving homage to their African-ness.

It was bad enough that the 'knee-grows' very presence was an irritant to most Europeans in America Inc. It become deadly, when his/her African-ness keep trying to bogart itself to the forefront of the 'knee-grows' psyche.

You see America Inc., was built on Anger, greed, Gluttony and Pride. Along the way, Lust, sloth and envy joined their war brethren on the journey to purgatory. This was how the west was won, how America inc., was built and now how King George continues the manifest destiny of the corporation, from Greece to Rome, To the British Empire to now.

Envy and Jealousy in psychology

According to Georgetown University psychologist W. Gerrod Parrott, Ph.D., envy occurs when a person lacks another person's superior quality, achievement, or possession, and desires it--or wishes that the other person lacked it.

Jealousy, by contrast, occurs in the context of a close relationship when a person fears losing an important other to a rival--in particular, losing a relationship that is important to one's sense of self.

For all their distinctiveness, envy and jealousy sometimes occur together, Parrott reports in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 64, No. 4). For instance, when a romantic partner gives attention to an attractive rival, a person may feel both jealous of that attention and envious of the rival for being so attractive. And since jealousy involves the loss of a personal relationship, it's usually more intense than envy.

Here's how envy and jealousy stack up:


Feelings of inferiorityLongingResentment of circumstancesIll will towards envied person often accompanied by guilt about these feelingsMotivation to improveDesire to possess the attractive rival's qualitiesDisapproval of feelings


Fear of lossSuspicion or anger about betrayalLow self-esteem and sadness over lossUncertainty and lonelinessFear of losing an important person to an attractive otherDistrust

According to Michael Bradley, Joseph Ben Yochanan, Dr. Henrick Clark and other notables, Envy was the reason why the rich land of Africa became a breeding ground for illegal immigrants from Europe, pouring over the border to partake of the "milk and Honey" of the land. The peculiarity of their "Ice" nature caused them to run rough shod over the 'competition'. The subsequent war created the first world holocaust, and with capture of the African prisoners of war, the so-called "peculiar institution."

Being that Judeo-Christian psychosis, i.e., good/evil, love/hate, up/down, god/devil, always occupied the psyche, it was natural that it would extend to the feelings about their manufacture product - the 'knee-grow'.

As The Honorable Robert Nesta Marley once sang,

I and I build a cabinI and I plant the corn
Didn't my people before me
Slave for this country
Now you look me with a scorn
Then you eat up all my corn


Build your penitentiary, we build your schools
Brainwash education to make us the fools
Hate is your reward for our love
Telling us of your God above

The Honorable Marcus Garvey asked the question, Why if the 'knee-grow' is so inferior, does the white man not just leave us alone to our own demise? After all entropy turns in to itself, and if the 'knee-grows' as inferior creatures become like the lilies of the filed- they do not toil nor do they spin, then he would slowly fade away.

Instead of leaving the 'knee-grow alone', what transpired was series of gang banging thuggishness of the lowest order.

What America Inc., did was attempt to reorganize productivity;

The Story of Black Wall Street Tulsa Riot Photo Gallery,

The Red Summer Riots of 1919,

The Rosewood Massacre of 1923,

Colored People &, The N.Y. Draft Riot of 1863,

The Church & The N.Y. Draft Riots,

Labor Competition & The N.Y. Draft Riot,

New Orleans Race Riot of 1866,

Washington Race Riot of 1919,

The Colfax Massacre 1873,

Chicago Race Riot of 1919,

Omaha Race Riot 1919, Kirven Texas 1922,

If We Must Die,

Mississippi Black Codes,

A Blood Red Record - 1900,

The Myth of Negro Criminality,

Racist Origins of Gun Control,

"The Slaughter" At Camp Van Dorn Mississippi,

Hoffman's Theory of , Negro Tendencies,

"Nigger Gin",

Lynching In America and finally,


America Inc. always wanted its 'knee-grow', adulterated, easy to digest and child friendly. Periodically some rogue 'knee-grow', decided to act like a man, clutching his nuts and yelling "hell No!" The result was Fredrick Douglass, Booker T, W.E.B, Martin Luther King, on the "safe side". However, there arose Nat turner, Sam Sharp, The maroons, The Nation of Islam (when they were relevant), El Hajj Malik Al Shabazz, and the Black Panther, on the "not safe side."

America Inc. and its managers were averse to any internal interruption on the path to achieve manifest destiny. Since the natives were restless and they refuse to eat cake, they had to find some way of keeping their flanks safe. They created a Patented Brainwashing Load of unique Manure (P.A.B.L.U.M) for both the manufactured man and other whites who were out of the loop, to consume. The PABLUM took the form of brain altering narcotics such as consumerism, entertainment, nationalism and a varied amount chemical sedation.

Nine Areas of people activity were looked into in order to control the minds and soul of the knee-grow and those whites not in the loop. Theses areas are (1) Economics, (2) Education, (3) Entertainment, (4) Labor, (5) Law, (6) Politics, (7) Religion, (8) Sex and (9) War. Using propaganda and reward and punishment America Inc. further fed the masses the PABLUM of slow death.

"The American propaganda system is not centrally programmed as it is in a totalitarian state. Instead it permeates the culture, the media, and the institutions. Individuals who point out unpleasant realities of current or past American behavior are often subjected to social pressures and treated as pariahs. They are disturbers of the dream."

William H. Boyer

Propaganda means to propagate or to make known extensively some particular phase of human intelligence. The desire is to convert or influence the people to the acceptance of the truth of that particular intelligence that is sought to be spread among them.

Propaganda can be true or false in its origin or intent; but it is always directed at the public for the purpose of winning the support of that public to the sentiment expressed in the propaganda. If you hate a man, giving him a bad name well may explain one of the purposes of propaganda without truth behind it.

Nearly all organized efforts have a system of propaganda to convert people to their principles and get them to support them even though there may be no merit behind it all.

Propaganda is all around you; to make you buy a special brand of cigarettes, although not being good for your health, but advertised to be the best; to make you drink or use a certain brand of mind altering chemicals; telling you of its wonderful qualities and its everlasting benefits when there is absolutely nothing to it, and so on.

The Media -the first tool of propaganda was utilized to pacify and keep the masses in check, sedated and jacked up on soma like PABLUM.

Soon Economics, Education, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex, and War became a source of Entertainment where people became voyeurs instead of participants. The entertainment became the drugs of choice and reality became another manufactures product from the makers of America Inc. One aught not to question the directors less one becomes the focus or recall and reprogramming.

niggers are scared of revolution

This is one mans take on this insightful sociological observation. These brothers were on time and banging with their analysis of the phenomena of the manufactured commodity called the “knee-grow” and knock off called ….well check it out!

Niggers are scared of revolution But niggers shouldn't be scared of revolutionBecause revolution is nothing but changeAnd all niggers do is change

Life is about change, just like running water signifies liveliness, stagnant water signifies death, the “knee-grow” goes through changes on a superficial level. The thing is he/she needs to step up their game from the mundane to the level where effective change can facilitate growth

Niggers come in from work and change into pimping clothesand hit the streets to make some quick change

It always amazes me how much the “knee-grow” will focus on material things such as new threads, going out to bee seen and partying to escape from the reality of their “knee-grow” existence.

Niggers change their hair from black to red to blondand hope like hell their looks will change

The emphasis on good hair, bad hair, getting the blonde look or extensions is just a deep seated need to be like white. The “knee-grow” construct is so ashamed of itself that the need to emulate doctor Frankenstein –the “knee-grow” creator- will cause it to go to great length to rub out any vestiges of African from its heart and soul and certainly its physical self.

Niggers kill other niggersJust because one didn't receive the correct change

The homicidal tendencies on display amongst the communities of “knee-grows” are a product of White Supremacy and imperialist eugenics practiced through socio-political control. Hemmed in and pressed down by the boot of a monster and like a compressed water balloon, the “knee-grow” needed to explode. Due to specific control through rewards and punishment such as lawless and lawful lynching, fear of the monster causes the “knee-grow” construct to turn the frustration inwards against the perceived cause of its problem… itself. Now “knee-grows” are so hyped they will destroy themselves just for feeling disrespected, an act on the scale from accidentally stepping on a brand new pair Jordan’s to just being in the wrong place or wearing the wrong colors.

Niggers change from men to women, from women to menNiggers change, change, change

Before the African hue-man was re-constituted as a “knee-grow” construct, thy understood the complimentary nature of the forces of nature. The male principles and female principles were distinct in their differences and attract ability. Confusion runs amok as mad scientists in the food and drug industry, the medical profession and social workers develop and propagandized the desirability of being androgynous, bi, tri and other sexual ‘differences” apart from the biological and spiritual basis of hue-man and man-kind. Now if one takes a stand for relating on the basis of male + female= perpetuation of the species and accord.

The “knee-grow” construct is living the monkey see monkey do syndrome, forgetting the allegory of their own book about Babylon and its fall.

You hear niggers say
Things are changing?
Things are changing?
Yeah, things are changing
Niggers change into 'Black' nigger things
Black nigger things that go through all kinds of changes
The change in the day that makes them rant and rave
Black Power! Black Power!And the change that comes over them at night, as they sigh and moan:White thighs, ooh, white thighs

It is inevitable that an oppressed people can and will one day rise up and over turn the prescribed order of imperialist comfort. The new jack drop squad that came to being through the teaching of Marcus, Malcolm and Pan Africanism is forcing the “knee-grow” to look critically at itself and ask the question, who am I really?

Niggers always goin' through bullshit changeBut when it comes for real change,Niggers are scared of revolution

It will be a long and tumultuous fight, because as Malcolm said, revolution is not pretty, it up turns things it causes pain, the “knee-grow” construct will have to transit from bullshit to productivity, from enslavement to freedom

Niggers are actors, niggers are actorsNiggers act like they are in a hurryto catch the first act of the 'Great White Hope'

Fronting a term coined to describe the façade the “knee-grow” construct does to hide its broken life as a vassal of a white supremacist institution. The attempt to psychologically and socially move away from Africa to Europe is a recipe for disaster, and is classical for a schizophrenic patient.

Niggers try to act like MalcolmAnd when the white man doesn't react toward them like he did MalcolmNiggers want to act violently

Part of the Fronting that the “knee-grow” construct does is centered on power and the image of power; none more so than the raw physicality of warrior strength. Malcolm exemplify the physical warrior the “knee-grow’ male wishes to be, but with out a solid content then empty vessels do indeed make lots of noise. Now with out the substance of the spirit of the warrior, if its posturing is not respected, then the “knee-grow” strikes out with out aim or purpose. Violence just because is not constructive when the need of progressive and revolutionary deeds have to be made.

Niggers act so coooool and slickcausing white people to say:
What makes you niggers act like that?Niggers act like you ain't never seen nobody act before
But when it comes to acting out revolution
Niggers say: 'I can't dig them actions!
'Niggers are scared of revolution

Disingenuous white people see the end product of the “knee-grow’ experiment and pretend puzzlement over their confusion. Since the ‘knee-grow” construct has never been taught to be systemic in the construction of a functional and progressive community. This requires work and sacrifices and the delay of immediate gratification. This manufactured being was only conditioned to act, work and sacrifice for their deity image in the form of the massa and massa’s children.

Niggers are very untogether peopleNiggers talk about getting high and riding around in 'els'Niggers should get high and ride to hellNiggers talk about pimpingPimping that, pimping whatPimping yours, pimping mineJust to be pimping, is a helluva line

A pimp is "a man who procures clients for a prostitute". A "Player" or "Pimp" has a particular manner or style of playing the game. To these men power is a game in which control and manipulation of the actions of others subordinate to them is an aphrodisiac. This too is another attempt at maintaining strength by controlling someone weaker, as is learned from emulating the rulers of this society. However, nothing good can come from rising up oneself through pressing down on others, especially if the results are the trappings of immediate material gratifications.

Niggers are very untogether peopleNiggers talk about the mind
Talk about: My mind is stronger than yours
"I got that bitch's mind uptight!"
Niggers don't know a damn thing about the mind
Or they'd be right
Niggers are scared of revolution

A mind is a terrible thing to waste but since the “knee-grow” construct does not think independent of the White supremacist system, its fronting about being of strong mind is suspect. The mind, as opposed to the brain is an instrument of creationism, of magic. Imagining a fruitful outcome can only be made real when the mind is in balance with reciprocity, order and truth. If the mind is used for selfish ends, that end will come much faster than expected. Again to think above immediate gratification is revolutionary and requires work and sustaining and sacrifice.

Niggers fuck. Niggers fuck, fuck, fuck
Niggers love the word fuck
They think it's so fuckin' cute
They fuck you around
The first thing they say when they're mad: 'Fuck it'
You play a little too much with them
They say 'Fuck you'
When it's time to TCB,Niggers are somewhere fucking
Try to be nice to them, they fuck over you

The “knee-grow” construct is a parody of doctor Frankenstein, a self-fulfilled stereotype of animalistic lust and buck wildness. Ever since the myth of Ham and Noah and the homosexual implication inherent in the Judeo-Christian drama, Ham, the supposed initiator of real or perceived man rape was identified as a hue-man. The White Supremist haters projecting their own malediction on to the manufactured beings then promotes the image of a hypersexual bastard children raising sub culture on 24/7/365 day channels like Black Enabling Tell-Lie vision.

Niggers don't realize while they doin' all this fuckingThey're getting fucked aroundAnd when they do realize it's too lateSo niggers just get fucked up

Here I lies the results of the “knee-grow” not TCB which is all about throwing off the yolk of White supremacy and building a just and positive world, where upright biological beings can interact in harmony and coop oration. Not just talking about it, but going out and rolling up its sleeve. The “knee-grow” construct is caught up in the immediate gratification of the lower self, existing in a drug induced state of euphoric denial, while their lives and purpose are slowly bled away.

Niggers talk about fucking
Fuckin' that, fuckin' this, fuckin' yours, fuckin' my sis
Not knowing what they're fucking for
They ain't fucking for love and appreciation
Just fucking to be fucking.

Like the animal they are projected to be, the “knee-grow” construct ends up rutting endlessly, spreading pain and pleasure where ever they go, never elevating the self to the spiritual. The “knee-grow” construct seeks the natural state of harmony and peace with its Complementary self. Mistakenly called love, this state is but a fulfillment of self appreciation and contentment, of shared oneness and understanding. The complementary forces fill the void in each other, when practiced on a lofty level. On a lower level, it’s just pissing in a hole and any dog can do that.

Niggers fuck white thighs, black thighs, yellow thighs, brown thighs
Niggers fuck ankles when they run out of thighs
Niggers fuck Sally, Linda, and Sue
And if you don't watch outNiggers will fuck you!
Niggers would fuck 'Fuck' if it could be fucked
But when it comes to fucking for revolutionary causes
Niggers say 'Fuck revolution!'
Niggers are scared of revolution

The “knee-grow” construct seeks to put a stamp on the pussy or the dick, they way the imperialist of old would put a stamp on a newly conquered people. Or they way a dog does to the nearest bush! This is mine, it proclaims to the world, wielding the pipe like a weapon, practicing pussy politics with out remorse and consciousness of the over all consequence. And while the manufactured being is engaging in Pussy Politics, the culture vulture is humping them from the back, taking their virtue and their souls. And countering their ability to reproduce, through planned parenthood, welfare, food and drugs and legal lynching.

Niggers will always be scared of revolution, because it is not on TV!