Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Of death and living

Blessed are those who struggle, oppression is worst than the grave;
It's better to die for a noble cause than to live your life a slave!

-The last poets

A coward dies a thousand deaths but a brave man dies but once. So goes an old saying, the source of which escapes me at the moment. For a while now the culture of death seams to be a reoccurring theme connected to the “knee-grow” community, both in the Diaspora and on the continent.

Here in America Inc. and its 51st state, Canada, the culture of death in the “knee-grow” community, grows parallel to the culture of hopelessness and despair. Too many of our young brothers and increasingly, our sisters would rather hold a gangster lean instead of a warrior stance.

We would rather imitate the bravado of a Don Corleone than a Fredrick Douglas, go good will hunting like Stan ‘Tookie’ Williams than drop a Nat Turner lick on a well deserving oppressor. Our false and petty posturing serves only to make our enemies despise us more and encourage them actually to further escalate their Eugenics program implemented centuries ago.

On the continent we are see an act of terrible fratricide enacted with a viciousness not seeing since the Europeans came down from the Caucus Mountains in full rampage mode. Yet while the European barbarians had a plan and a far reaching goal of world domination and cultural plundering, our cousins over in Africa has a plan and a short term goal of filling deep pockets and creating status and self idolatry at the expense of the land and the people.

Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same, thing over and over again while expecting a different result”. Does that mean collectively the “knee-grows” are insane? We keep expecting a white supremacist system to advocate on our behalf, do the ‘right and moral thing’ out of the goodness of whose heart?

A Rasta elder once told me he was born into this world to die, so he has no fear of Babylon and in fact will confront the ‘beast’ at every turn. If many of us misunderstand what personal upliftment means, then how can we understand revolution.

We do come into this world to die, but not like dogs.

"IF we must die, it shouldn't be like hogs, hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs, Making their mock at our accursed lot"

If we must die—oh, let us nobly die, for it's better to die for a noble cause than to live a slaves life. This is where the coward dies a thousand death!

If we are to confront the machine let's do so that our precious blood may not be shed
In vain; Not in Iraq or Afghanistan or anywhere the machine sends us to die for their cause of world domination.

When we defy the monster of white supremacy it should be in honour of our dead those innocent and not so innocent! Those whose shoulders we stand on and those whose examples were etched in stone.

In our struggle Kujichagulia - self determination-We must meet the common foes;

Lack of collective purpose and pursuit
And of course, white supremacy!

Though we are far outnumbered economically technically, PR wise and with weapons
let us still be brave, bold and unflinchingly knowledgeable that we outnumber them, numerically
creatively and most of all spiritually.

How many can say they endure what we've had to and continue to endure and still bounce back..creating and rising.

As sistah Maya said..."And still we rise.."

For the thousands of blows from the whips of propaganda, taking the place of the cat-o-nine, we deal one death-blow, knowing ourselves.

To know one thing is to know all things...If we know ourselves conversely we will know the enemy

and once we can identify him we will know how to neutralize him!
Are you afraid to die? Not if it is for a noble cause.

Many of us are willing to die for a piece of ass, some crack, your favorite team, some trinket, to preserve your job, for poli-tricks... but not for liberation?

What lies before us but an the open grave? You're gonna die anyway, let's make it for a cause, not just because!

Claude McKay said, if we must die, then..

Like men we’ll face the murderous, cowardly pack
Pressed to the wall, dying, but—fighting back
IF we must die—let it not be like hogs
Hunted and penned in an inglorious spot,
While round us bark the mad and hungry dogs
Making their mock at our accursed lot
If we must die—oh, let us nobly die

But also don't throw your life away senselessly. Be wise about it. Let's build long term institutions that we can die to defend and protect

Lets re assert ourselves in the 9 Areas of People Activity (1)Economics, (2)Education, (3)Entertainment, (4)Labor, (5)Law, (6)Politics, (7)Religion, (8)Sex and (9)War.

These are the areas that control our lives and culture and the lives of our children and their children.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

goddamnit! SLOWLY, surely i walk away from the tabloid sophistry that keeps me preaching regergetated thoughts and wearing hand me down rags. and when i finally get to the "promised land" I get to duke it out with those who mhave been there long before me?